Single & Want To Feel 10 Feet Tall?

Single, and crave more confidence in the bedroom, or just feel as though you’ve lost your way when it comes to your love life? Perhaps you’ve been away from the dating scene for some time and it all just feels a bit daunting.
With a little help from myself, you can step back out into the world of dating with your head held high, feeling confident, preened and prepared!
Yes, I am a Sex Coach, but I believe in a holistic approach being the whole person. When you are feeling good about your sexuality, the positive energy spills into other areas of your life and visa versa.

Have you:

1. Just come out of a long-term relationship. If you’ve been off the dating scene for a while, putting yourself back out there can feel like an overwhelming and scary task. Be reassured in knowing that it’s actually very normal to feel this way, and a lot of others are out there in the same position. We can start slowly and assess all the factors that contribute to a successful dating life, figure out which areas you need a little help with and start from there!

2. Experienced dating trouble. Maybe you not finding it easy out there or maybe you’re well-seasoned in the dating game, but don’t seem to have much luck, or lack the confidence to take things any further. Whichever category you fall into, I can work with you to bring out the confident lover who is already within you.

3. Confidence issues. Whether this be “is my penis big enough”, “will I last long enough” or “do I have enough experience?” (to name just a few) many men face anxiety when it comes to being with new sexual partners. I can help you unload these worries through a tailored combination of mind and body techniques – being able to be present and understanding what is happening within your body is often half of the battle.

I use a combination of tools in my work which generally fall into one of these categories:
Mind – Methods such as talking therapy, emotional and energy healing will help you reconnect with your body and boost your self-confidence, leaving you in a more positive space both inside and outside of the bedroom.
Body – I am also a massage therapist and use hands-on methods to help you overcome sexual challenges. Influences like porn may have led you to believe, knowingly or unknowingly, that sex should be a disconnected experience. It may also contribute to performance anxiety, and in turn physical issues like premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, which can negatively affect your confidence in the bedroom. Body-based sessions will help you understand the physical side of your sexual confidence and retrain your body for longer-lasting and more pleasurable sexual experiences.

If you are feeling anxious, it is completely understandable and very common however this doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Lets start to address every factor contributing to your lack of confidence, leaving you 100% ready and eager to dive back into the world of dating. Not only will we use mind and body sessions to improve your self-esteem and sexual issues, but we will look at the whole bigger picture.
After all, dating isn’t just about sex! Whether it be grooming tips, dating & etiquette lessons, building an online dating profile, getting you ready for dating, I can provide you with all the ingredients to a positive and fulfilling dating experience, which is absolutely ideal for the single man.

How to go about doing all of this …
Assess (Consult via zoom or in person)
This first step will allow us to really get to the crooks of the issues you’re facing.
During the session, we will discuss your sexual history and current situation. You will have the opportunity to really open up and discuss any concerns you are having.
Many men find this step alone extremely helpful; opening up about something as intimate as your sexual concerns can be daunting, but being able to do so in a safe and non-judgemental environment often brings tremendous relief.
By the end of this session, you will already have learnt tools that will benefit you for life and received your own tailored plan and homework, so you can start your healing journey immediately.

Get in touch to book your Consult and start your life-changing journey!

Ready To Have The Best Sex Of Your Life?

Find Out Whats Holding You Back From Becoming The BEST Lover EVER and how I can help you overcome sexual challenges with proven natural methods

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