Porn and Porn Alternatives

One thing to know is that porn overstimulates and overstimulating your mind and body is not healthy especially in the long run and I won’t get right into this but there are so many studies and articles on this and how it can affect you and if you crave porn a lot I’m sure you have googled or looked into the effects it can have.

As a society we seem to be overstimulated addicts. Porn can be a type of addiction and before long you can be on that vicious cycle of needing that high or that something to make us feel better and I see this happens all the time.  It’s usually quick and fast and most cases leaves you kind of dissatisfied and let me ask you this, if you think for a moment that masturbation is training for the bedroom, how does that look for you what are you training yourself to do over and over?

Ok so think of porn as junk food, yeah you can have it every now and again and fine but to have it all the time … you guessed it, probably not the greatest for you. I hear loads of guys all the time saying but I need to ‘eat’ and yes but a gourmet meal is far more nutritious and fulfilling. Some guys say to me ‘well if I just wank it helps me fall to sleep or relieve stress’  and yes I totally get that and I’m all for orgasms. But would you believe that most of my clients after a session with me fall to sleep on my table some even snore and before you say it, not out of boredom but because they are totally blissed out hahaha, love to film this. It’s like they have just had a ‘normal’ ejaculation but guess what they haven’t but what has happened is that I’ve shown them another way a far more fulfilling way where they are not shutting off their desire for pleasure.

Getting back to basics is a must and so the far healthier way is to learn or for some to relearn to feel pleasure in the body first. Learn a way that with practice you can train yourself to have an all over body orgasm.  All the feel-good drugs your body produces rush around your entire body with such force creating waves after wave.  It’s actually such an awesum thing to witness and I get a real buzz out of men being able to learn new ways that actually can improve their sex life. My gourmet Tantric practices, cultivating and being able to show clients the use of sexual energy, it is so unbelievably powerful.

I’ve seen far too many times that if something becomes too hard you put it in the too hard basket and so if you have a problem such as porn, well you just stop watching it. What usually happens then is 1. No more watching porn so then no more spanking the monkey for a while and this doesn’t last or 2. No more watching porn and erection difficulties, yes this happens as porn desensitises and its just too boring to just touch and play with the monkey.

There’s so much advice out there about ‘no flap’ and basically the avoidance of masturbating.  In the most cases I just don’t agree, but hey everyone is different and the varying degree of addiction to things and some people have very hard addictions so if it works for you then great.  But you see I’m a great believer in celebrating your sexuality not switching it off and avoiding it.  In saying this, did you know shame around your sexuality can often lead to porn use.

My process I take with my clients is usually not to go cold turkey but to dramatically reduce whilst creating healthier habits. Sex is in the brain and in the body and so rewiring the brain is needed so practicing new ways to Self Pleasure is the alternative.

This leads me to the next thing I get asked all the time, but how many times should I masturbate? That’s a controversial one, there’s people out there that say over the age of 35 only a few times and over the age of 50 only once a week however my opinion everyone is different. Firstly when you think of masturbation you usually think of ejaculation as the outcome so therefore I call this alternative ‘Self Pleasure’ and I believe every day or every second day is fine for the purposes of Self Care and to generate sexual arousal but like I suggested earlier to learn how to move that through the body rather than releasing it every single day is going to be far more beneficial to you. To be honest everyone is different and that’s why I often get my clients starting a masturbation journal so then they can see what works uniquely for you.  So, once you have learnt how to move this sexual energy fully away from your groin, you wont get blue balls or feel all pent up and the benefit of this is that you can chose to release or not to release, this can be great for men who want to train how to last longer.

There’s a really cool book called, The Penis Book, very well written and the urologist Aaron Spitz goes into more about what porn does to your brain etc with too much porn use. Here is the link to get his book

I will leave you with this … Habits can be hard to break but its certainly possible to learn new ways, to replace old ways and to rewire yourself is the way to go if you want more fulfilling pleasurable experiences.

Guys, if you are wanting to wean yourself off porn, create far healthier habits, learn how you can have an all over body orgasm, get in touch with me. Rebel xx

2 thoughts on “Porn and Porn Alternatives”

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