
Practical Session


This is a Hands-on session.  How better to learn how to be a better lover than to be shown with a Hands-on Practical session. Each session will vary for every individual depending on your situation.

You can learn to sail a boat via reading books, watching videos but until you get on that boat with someone to show you the ropes …. that is where you will most benefit and where the Magick is!

A Practical session is usually 90 mins however this is only a guide as time and price will be adjusted accordingly. This session is for those who have worked with us before.

*Please note: If you are wanting to overcome an issue you are going through such as Lasting Longer or Erection Difficulties I would recommend a Program that can be more tailor made for you more info HERE.



Product Overview

Recommended for:  Clients who have had a Consult and worked with us prior

Those who can visit the Sunshine Coast or Brisbane

Men who are wanting more Intimacy Coaching

Those going through a Program or finished a Program

Goal: Learn Hands on, be guided with an experienced Practitioner

Learn to be a Better Lover Refresher

Learn practically, take home tips to practice …. Rinse and Repeat

Time: Varies with each individual
Type: In person
Investment: From $500.

Please note this price is only a guide.

Please see the Programs page for more advanced learnings.

There are also some Practical sessions where two Therapists will be present.


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